Thursday, January 4, 2018

Most Enjoyable Christmas Ever - FINALE!

Pssssst... I know... Christmas is over. New Years has come and gone for that matter. This post is late, overdue, tardy.    Yup.     My excuse? It was already published in the local paper along with the previous 2 parts, but MORE IMPORTANTLY, I spent time with my family. 
That was a treasure and a blessing. 

So, my apologies for posting a delayed finale, but ya know what? Now that all of the hoopla is over maybe you and I actually have heart space to ponder this most glorious gift. Merry Christmas!

A couple weeks ago when I embarked on writing a short little article for the paper that became a larger 3 part series I talked about preparing emotionally, physically and spiritually for the Christmas season. I talked about addressing the 3 prongs of the mind, body and soul triad to encourage you to make this Christmas enjoyable, healthy and meaningful. How have you done? Did you give any of these small challenges a go? I would love to hear from you!

A quick recap would include driving away the “crazies” of Christmas with first dealing with some “mind” issues. I tend to feel overwhelmed when I allow too many activities into my calendar so the first challenge was to give your December schedule a makeover and cut out the unnecessary to make space for you to breathe and savor the season.

The second mind challenge was to deal ahead of time as best you can with any sticky relationships you will encounter over the holidays. They don’t have to end with a hug or a hand shake but your mental perspective about the person or situation is key to emotional health.

Last week we hit the “body” prong of the triad and talked about hydration with all of the benefits of trying to consume half your body weight in ounces of pure water daily. I heard a community sigh of relief when we learned we are bio-individuals and that each of us need differing quantities of water on different days. No more trying the chug the eight, 8 ounces glasses of water unless that matches the body weight formula.

We also talked about fat – and not the fat around our mid-sections or thighs. We talked about the great importance of eating healthy fats like avocado, nuts, seeds, coconut oil, butter, and olive oil. Remember fat does not make you fat. Sugar makes you fat. A low fat diet will make you fat because manufacturers replace fat with sugar for flavor. A higher healthy fat diet will actually help you shed excess fat tissue. It’s in the science and it’s amazing!

Please understand that whole books have been written on these topics. We can only really cover brief snippets here in the newspaper. Be a lifelong learner and read up on these topics yourself. My teenagers are constantly challenging what I say. You can too!

This week we cover the third and final prong of the wellness triad: the soul. As important as emotional health and physical health are to me I would have to say that it really all comes down to the soul. If your soul is sick all of your being is sick including your mind and body. 

There are numerous literary and historical references to people being soul sick and having it manifest in their physical, emotional and spiritual health. 

It all comes down to finding purpose in life. Don’t you think?

Where does your purpose and hope come from?

It’s Christmas. Did you really think I could write an article about the soul at Christmas and not talk about God and His purpose for our lives?

This is a great community with many different houses of faith. I think we can talk candidly about God here and not get our noses bent out of shape. I write out of a loving heart and want you to experience the peace and joy that I have come to know.


Its more that presents, tinsel, Santa, and eggnog. 

It’s about purpose. 

It’s about a gift we received and a gift we can give.

At Christmas we celebrate the birth of one named Jesus, the Messiah because He came to save all people from their sins; their wrong doing. 

That’s our gift. He forgives our sins.

We know deep down we all sin.  This forgiving is our gift if we choose to accept it.

The reason he came was out of deep, deep love for us. 

Do you really believe that God is out there caring for you and the details of your life?
He is. He really is.

I have been amazed by God time and time again. As I share the weighty cares and joyful hopes of my heart with Him, He meets me there and shows me exactly what I should do or the way I should go. It’s not audible or creepy. It is more of a knowing in my heart that He cares and is opening doors or sending comfort.

He came to forgive sins and have a relationship with us. This is part of our purpose. We are identified by that relationship. It gives us purpose and fulfillment. He fills us with His love so we can turn and give love out to others.

There are so many highs and lows inherent in the Christmas season. Family gatherings conjure memories of loved ones gone before and empty seats at the table. Others are full of joy announcing engagements, new job ventures or future births. In this life there is much pain and joy in the giving and taking. Souls are tender, open, hopeful.

Accept the ultimate gift from heaven and share it with others. With the love you are filled with reach out to another who may need some love this season. Look for opportunities to meet a need, share a meal or be a friend. Make this season count on a deeper level; a soul healing level. A giving community full of loving supportive relationships is a strong healthy community all the year through. 

Merry Christmas!

Sue celebrates Christmas with her 4 teenagers and husband in Inlet. She will be busy making final preparations for handing out a lot of love from under the tree to her family but also to many others in the community.  You can reach her at her new address dedicated to those interested in an abundant life of wholesome healthy ways,

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